All You Need is:
Skin Food White Nail Polish
ABSOLUTE! Nail Polish in Twinkling Gold
ABSOLUTE! Nail Polish in Pine Green
Q-Art Print Red Glitter Nail Polish
Kiss Glass Shine Topcoat
First, begin with clean nails. Get rid of any old nail polish. Use nail polish to remove natural oils. This makes it easier to prevent peeling. I like to use Prep N’Clean Dehydrant by A.S.P. because it dehydrates my nails by removing its natural oils and removes dirt.
Next, apply your white nail polish. Make sure you apply a nice even coat.
Now take your green polish and apply it diagonally across your nails. The one I used is slightly glittery. I used a striper polish for this.
Now it is time for your gold polish. Paint a stripe across, separating the white and the green. Make sure it’s thick enough to be noticed, but not too thick or it looks a little sloppy. [NOTE: I know that I painted the gold polish first, but I realized that it would probably be easier to paint the red nail polish first.]
Next, take your red nail polish and make a few vertical striped on your nails. I used a red glittery polish. If you use a glittery polish, it tends to come out thin, so I made stripes as a guideline so they weren’t too smushed together before thickening the color. I used a striper polish for this as well. It makes the application a lot easier. If you don’t have a striper polish, you can try using tape to align it or use red acrylic paint and a thin paintbrush.
You are almost done! Now apply your topcoat and clean up around the nails. There are two ways to do this. You can use a q-tip soaked in nail polish remover and carefully wipe away the excess nail polish. The problem with this technique is that if you are not careful, you might accidentally wipe away your hard worked painting. But if you are careful you should be fine. The other technique that I like to use is first, to make sure your nails are completely dried. Then soak them in warm-hot water for a little bit. The nail polish on your skin will soften and you can pick it off. Make sure you don’t end up peeling off your skin though!
Now you are finished! Here is your finished product!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial even though it’s a little late! Stay beautiful!
-Kawaii Riceball