Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chibicon Report!

What made the whole day worth it. :)
I attended Chibicon last night at Montclair State University. My friend, Keith, came with me! You may recognize him as "TheBigTog" in some of my photographs.

It wasn't too bad for a super small convention. But I have to admit, I may have been bored if I didn't have friends there haha. I had a table in the Artist Alley, so I was there for most of the convention. I was there for almost 3 hours. It was actually really boring, but my friend, Keith, was there to keep me company along with Kevin, who also had a table there. A few of my friends went as well, so they came to say hi haha.

I also made some sales! So it wasn't a total loss for me to sit there for 2 hours and 45 minutes xD
Don't even ask.. xD

This one guy I met said that he's always seen awesome cosplays that people have made by themselves online and mine was the first one he's seen in real life. I thought that was soo sweet!

I wore my Final Fantasy X Yuna outfit! She still has some things to finish. Actually.. a lot things! My poor poor Yuna was still incomplete when I wore her to Chibicon >< There are still a few things I need to revamp for her.. She needs to be perfect! The staff came out not bad in photographs! I wasn't too keen on the way it came out in general haha. I feel that it could have been improved. Ah well.

Cheesin' it at the artist alley!
Keith and I were originally planning a photoshoot with Yuna, since the one at Castle Point didn't happen, but it rained soo much! We kept checking every so often during the artist alley (since we were seated near a window) but it wouldn't stop :/ It was hardly cloudy on Friday and was supposed to be sunny on Sunday. So after the artist alley we wandered around looking for a place to shoot Yuna. In the end, we found this nice staircase and managed to squeeze in a few photos!

Finally, a professional photograph!
I was able to obtain photos fairly quickly because I needed to submit them for the Sakura Matsuri Cosplay Fashion Show application. And now.. for some photos! Yay to Keith for making me look flawless haha. :D

All images are copyrighted to TheBigTog. So, credit the photographer and don't steal them!

You can check out the other images of Yuna on my deviantart, here!

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get over how well your Yuna cosplay came out.
    I hope my Rikku cosplay comes out just as well. >3<
