Today was Black Friday. Well.. The festivities aren't over for everyone, but I'm done for the night hahaa. I bought a few things today. I woke up at 8 am, my brother drove me to the mall near my town where I bought two dresses from the Fashion Finds. It was the two dresses in the H&M Black Friday Ad. 5 dollars!! It was super cheap so I bought both the red one and the black one. Of course, the actual dress was a lot more ruching, but you know, it was originally a $9.95 dress so what do you expect?

I met up with my family friends and we ventured around the mall. I didn't really buy much, I wanted to but I resisted haha. I kept searching for Katamari Damacy all day with no avail.. Ugh! More searching haha.
Later we went to see Tangled. It was such a cute movie! I heard they tried to gear it towards boys with the main male character. I really liked the movie. They changed a few parts from the traditional Rapunzel story which was interesting. I'm so tired right now, so I can't really give a better review xD

We went back to the mall afterwards. There were two GameStops in the same mall.. So I went in and bought some games. They were having a sale of buy 2 used games, get 1 free. I'm usually very reluctant to buy used games, but some games are just so hard to find now a days! I bought "Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus," ".hack//infection" (I've always wanted to play the series after I fell in love with the original anime.. They had .hack//mutation too, the sequel to infection.. should've bought it.. xD), and "Okami" (it was between that or Resident Evil, but they didn't have the first one..). Shall have fun playing them :D There are a lot of games I want actually.. but that's besides the point haha.
After that I didn't really do much, my family friends had to leave and I met up with my mom and cousin in the mall. Got Häagen-Dazs ice cream! So yummy. I was literally out of the house for a good.. 10 hours haha. It was a lot of fun! But.. so tiring..