Note: All the links lead to dA accounts xD
I wore my Kurama cosplay this day! I was up all night working on finishing my cosplays, and due to my poor time management, I didn't really get to work on the wig as much as I would have liked. I wanted to cut the bangs more, so I'm probably gonna end up doing that some time next month (since I still have summer classes..) and upload pictures! Or if I can find a photographer that'd be even better.. kekeke xD
So I ended up getting 2 hours of sleep. Woke up.. Didn't start packing until like 9 AM.. >___> Went to the convention, got there around 1ish. My parents drove me and when we started getting near the Garden State Expo Center... Oh my gosh. I saw so many cosplayers walking around outside.. I got soo excited.
There's not much to say about in the convention.. Haha yeah okay! xD A bunch of people asked for my picture. Met a few fan girls.. LOL Met a Yoko Kurama
Can't remember what I did at night.. I went somewhere.. Oh! My friend wanted to go to the 'How to Draw Yuri' Panel xD I ended up leaving because I had to go get a needle to fix mah cosplays with.. >< Well.. just the ears for Pichu! There's a bunch of inbetween stories but.. I don't wanna make this epic entry more epic xD But to finish, I freaked out because I couldn't get the Pichu ears on the headband without flopping! So I went to sleep.
Woke up at 7, to do a photoshoot with ~Knightmare6
Did the photoshoot, then roamed. Roaming.. roaming.. My mom brought me mah Tifa outfit!
I'm so tired I don't feel like typing anymore xD So I woke up at 7AM again and got ready. Did a photoshoot with ~thebigtog
And then as I was leaving I met ~Lingering-Tears
I saw
So yeah, that pretty much summed up my day. Went to the dealer's room, bought a sword.. kekeke.. xD That I ended up giving to my dad for Father's Day. OH MY GOSH. The last epic thing. I went to the artist alley because I saw this Lightning poster that I was absolutely in love with since the first day of the con. Before that I went to a stand next to my friend's ~Raydiant
So I was just looking at his friend's posters ~ProdigyBombay
Okay, if you've never played RebirthRO, you probably won't have any idea what I'm talking about. But oh my gosh.. the moment I saw that poster.. I died.. And went to fangirl mode.. xD That picture was used in the MMORPG Rebirth Ragnarok in the menu, when you first open the game. I recognized it almost immediately and ahh.. I just had to have it xD When I used to play RO that picture always caught my eye. I thought it was beautiful and I wanted to find the actual picture, but that never really happened. xD
So ahh.. I bought it :] I asked her to sign it too! I feel really stupid asking her to sign it in the back though. No one's gonna see it! >< Ahh well. I got the poster and met the girl who made it so that was good enough.
I went to go buy the Lightning poster, and it was 20$ but I was short and only had 14$ D: The artist alley was closing soon and the girl was so kind and let me buy the poster size for 14$
But yeah! That's all about my adventures! Or most of it at least ^^ Oh.. one last thing..